Gerresheimer Baut am Standort Skopje new production facilities for glass inserts

Gerresheimer, an innovative systems and solutions provider who is a global partner for the pharmaceutical, biotech and cosmetic industries, is working on a new Werkshalle for Spritzen Seine Produktionskapazitäten in Skopje, Nordmazedonien. In 2019, Gerresheimer and Diesem Standort produced a 14,600 m² Drug Delivery System, Diagnostic and Medical Product from Kunststoff. With the new workshop with a total area of ​​7,600 m² production areas for glassware. The business community is investing in construction and the new economy of 100 million. EUR. In Skopje, in the next three years, it is a good idea to run 250 out of 500 Arbeitsplätze doubles. The new Werkshalle in Skopje works with global projects in the Bereich Drug Delivery System bzw. Spritzes for long-lasting recovery.

“Production units for plastic and glass are a standard for efficient production integration for the pharmaceutical industry in the Bundeln, is a further step in the Umsetzung without internal strategy formula g,” says Dietmar Siemssen, CEO of Gerresheimer AG. “Our knowledge comes from a system and solutions provider that offers individual solutions, with integrated solutions. This will help you better deliver a Skopje turnkey spritz system.”

New Spritzen-Produktionshalle for high quality

The new production hall is specialized in the recovery of spritzen and other Primärpackmitteln from Röhrenglas konzipiert. The Gesamtfläche, which offers the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Classes C and D, a maximum area of ​​7,600 m², is an initiative in one of the larger Fußballfeldes. The new Halle-bietet Platz for the von Gerresheimer eigens en gefertigten Präzisions-Glasformlinien sees the spezifische Assemblierungs-bzw. Ready to fill – Linien.

Glass and plastic production with Wachstumsreserve a standort

As of 2019, Gerresheimer produces in Skopje on an area of ​​14,600 m², supporting ISO Class 7, 8 and 9, Drug Delivery System for diagnostic and medical products and components made of plastic. If you have a Spritzenzubehör with the Beispiel of the Gerresheimer Spritzenverschlusssystem Gx TELC or the Security System Gx InnoSafe, then this is an opaque warning.

A Vorteil des Werks in Skopje is the Möglichkeit, with an area of ​​7,600 m² Erweiterungsbau Produktionskapazitäten for pharmaceutical plastic and glass products and a standard for combinations. It is very light and efficient to integrate production with optimized logistics. You can carry out the simplest possible installation of a ready-made spritz system in confusing configurations from Skopje. Der Standort in Skopje accommodates Wachstumsreserven. On the land there is another 100,000 m² for the best construction projects for painting.

Quality with modern technology

Gerresheimer useful for the quality control in Rahmen seines zertifizierten Qualitative management systems of state-of-the-art inspection systems, darunter beispielsweise for the spritzen production of the Gerresheimer entwickelte Gx G3 inspection system with high-quality camera technology and KI-basierter Bildverarbeitung. Darüber has improved his work in Skopje with his own labor with high-quality mechanical and labor technology for optical, mechanical, chemical and microbiological examinations.

Sehr good infrastructure and local Fachkräfte

The German Gerresheimer Standort Skopje is located in one of the largest industrial areas in the international airport of the Northern Mazedonian Hauptstadt. Large Mittelmeerhäfen in Greece or Albania are 250 km long. The Land is painted with great care. Rund ein Viertel der Gerresheimer Belegschaft am Standort wurde in Deutschland von Gerresheimer Experten geschult. Darüber has bought Gerresheimer at the University of Skopje, a qualified Nachwuchskräfte for his winnings.

Start of Spritzen production in Skopje Ende 2024

The first spritzen production line was launched in the Kürze in Skopje and more were released in the 2025s. Damit bundles Gerresheimer works on spray production in the Standorten Bünde (Germany), Querétaro (Mexiko) and Skopje (Republik Nordmazedonien).

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